CUKS End of Term Dinner

Hello everyone! We hope Michaelmas is going well so far :) And even if not, don’t worry… because our long-awaited K-POP NIGHT is finally back!!!!

As our BIGGEST and most popular event of the year, we hope many of you come to enjoy a great night out dancing to your favourite K-Pop songs, meeting new people, and forgetting about the stresses of work (for a night…)

DATE: 10th November (Thursday), 8pm-11pm

PRICE: £7 for CUKS members, £8 for non-members
General ticket release will be on the 1ST NOVEMBER (Tues).

For CUKS members and members of affiliate societies (ABACUS, CUCS, CUTS, CCS, CUMSA, CUMAS, AJS), we will be releasing 50 EARLY BIRD tickets TONIGHT at 7:30PM, at a discounted price of £6 - so sign up quick!!! Use the QPay link below to purchase

Although K-Pop night only goes on until 11pm (unfortunately), ticket holders have FREE ENTRY to Carnival Night which is also taking place at MASH right afterwards! We hope you guys have fun

안녕하세요! CUKS입니다. 기다리고 기다리던 KPOP NIGHT가 다시 돌아왔습니다!! 학기 중 가장 스케일이 크고 인기가 많은 이벤트인 만큼 많은 분들이 와주셔서 스트레스도 풀고 새로운 사람들을 만나는 기회가 되었으면 좋겠어요!
Early release는 오늘 저녁 7시30분 £1 할인된 £6로 선착순 50명에게 풀릴 예정이고, General release는 그다음주인 11월 1일에 열릴 예정입니다. 티켓은 해당 링크에서 구매 가능합니다:
Kpop Night는 11시까지지만 티켓 소지자는 11시 이후 Carnival Night도 무료로 입장할 수 있으니 많이 와서 즐겨주세요

-Date: 01/01/2023

© Cambridge University Korean Society 2020